Table of Contents
Vision Page 1
Strategic Priorities Overview Page 2
Priority 1: Shared Services Model Page 3
Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices Page 6
Priority 3: Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks Page 9
Priority 4: Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development Page 12
Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for Your LEA Page 16
Appendices Page 19
Bridges Academy
Technology Planning Committee/MTAC
Member Job Title/Position
Merry Armstrong Lowe Director/Principal
Scotty Lambert Technology Contractor
Melissa Tharpe Board Member
Kim White Business Manager
Linsey Miller Classroom Teacher
Vision Statement
Creating a nurturing environment where children and teachers can "tingle with discovery" is the mission of Bridges Academy. The school is founded with the conviction that making connections defines the learning process. It is a place that addresses the needs of certain children who are "failing to thrive" in their current educational setting. Research shows that students who are allowed to study self-selected topics through the use of technology stay focused and enjoy higher levels of achievement than others. Though the use of state-of-the art technology, Bridges' students will become independent lifetime learners. The whole community-teachers, students, and parents- will become the bridges that link life and learning and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, patterns and principles which are the foundation of knowledge in our world.
The Bridges Academy Technology Committee is committed to the technology plan under the conditions of finance. The plan is realistic and achievable, relevant to what we do, can do and envision doing over the next two years. Committee members relate technology goals to the overall mission of the school and to achieving the objectives of student performance.
Bridges Academy Technology Plan
Strategic Priorities
2014 - 2016
Shared Services Model
Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
21st Century Leadership for Your LEA/Charter
Strategic Priorities Overview:
Bridges Academy has worked with Wilkes County Schools through the Board Chairman, a principal in Wilkes County Schools. WE are invited to utilize workshops in conjunction with technology as well as in-service programs at NW RESA. Although Bridges receives no RttT money, it participates in the technology updates and requirements of Home Base through RESA.
It is the goal for each student to have access to personal teaching and learning devices to use in the educational process. Digital textbooks and other such resources will be explored and stakeholders will provide input on those choices.
Students currently are enrolled in research based internet programs including NWEA MAP, Study Island, and Scientific Learning FastForWord.
Teachers and staff access a variety of trainings through webinars and online learning opportunities such as NCWiseOwl and NC Education. There are numerous free and low cost webinars offered by professional organizations. Teachers are asked to make these opportunities part of their PDP.
Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Bridges Academy pays through e-rate and local funds accessed from the systems served. Other opportunities are being explored including the School Connectivity Initiative and technology grants.
Shared Services has already assisted in implementing instructional models through Home Base. The school will continue to evaluate and implement these programs as the board approves.
The Shared service model will protect sustainability in rural setting such as Bridges Academy. The school is accessing rural technology initiatives for that purpose.
Through cooperative purchases and networking, Bridges Academy can provide equal or higher technology instruction to its students.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
1. Statewide Shared Services Model
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 Year 2 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Provide equitable and Continue to assess Make recommendations Board Presentation
additional access to the needs of and the to the committee
and board ad hoc
committee regarding the
Mobile devices latest devices & apps most school friendly
that are school friendly. devices and apps.
Stakeholders Stakeholders
Technology Committee Technology committee
Board of Directors Board of Directors
Provide equitable and Continue to evaluate rural Determine best technology Present list to board
additional access to incentives for technology access. access for rural environment
digital resources Stakeholders, Tech Committee Stakeholders, Tech Committee
Stakeholders Board of Directors Board of Directors
Reduce operating costs Investigate cooperative Determine what cooperative Present to Board
by facilitating a more agreements using technology agreements are feasible to Approve if feasible
strategic budgeting model in conjunction with other allow reduced costs and
utilizing blended funding school, charter schools, provide quality programs.
and reducing isolated or nonprofits in order Stakeholders
Technology committee
Board of Directors
programmatic spending to reduce costs.
Technology committee
Board of Directors
Promote/maintain innovative Create a cooperative Define resources that promote Committee Minutes
funding model by utilizing subcommittee that explores that promote innovative Presentation to the board
NCEdCloud offerings, NCEdCloud, Home Base funding and how to access and minutes from
Home Base and/or and comparable programs. best resources for rural presentation.
comparable alternatives charter schools.
Subcommittee Subcommittee
Tech Committee Tech Committee
NCDPI Support team NCDI Support Team
Maximize E-Rate in support Continue eRate application Continue eRate application Present Application to Board
of instructional programs Tech Committee Tech Committee
NCDPI Support Team NCDPI Support team
Bridges Academy Business office Bridges Academy business office
Provide content filtering Continue and monitor filters Continue, monitor and upgrade Presentation to the board using
in accordance with the to protect student access filters to protect student network usage reports,
invoices on
services and maintenance.
Children's Internet to internet access to internet.
Protection Act (CIPA). School technology contractor
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Current Status and Moving Forward:
All classes currently have access to SmartBoards in the classroom. Each class also has two to three computers along with three to five netbooks. Wireless service is available to each class. Each teacher has a personal desktop and over 80% of the teachers have a laptop
The school has an active website and a parent maintained Facebook page. Teachers utilize DropBox to share information with one another. Computers are used to meet multiple learning styles. The computer lab has 14 computers where students may access Study Island as well as NWEA MAP assessments. FastForWord neuroscience exercises are also offered. Distance learning is being considered for the middle grades.
Teachers share access to a variety of teaching and learning resources through the internet. Teachers and administration are exploring the need to have quality and research based programs.
Upgraded laptops and tablets are being considered for teachers. Inaddition, classroom access for every student is being considered through the purchase of more computers and laptops in the room.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 6/30/2015 - 7/1/2016 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method (s)
Develop a comprehensive Continue to access plan for Continue to access plan Tech Committee Documentation of plan
sustainable LEA plan for universal access to school for universal access to and its use by Tech-
resources. school resources. nology Committee
universal access. Resources: Technology Committee Technology Committee
NCDPI, NCLTI, Educator
Effectiveness, and District
& School Transformation .
Communicate your plan to Notices of Technology meetings Notices of Technology meetings Sign-in sheets, Parent Information
all stakeholders. will be posted on website, will be posted on website, copy for news- sessions.
Facebook, community calendar, Facebook, community calendar, letters.
and newsletters sent home. This and newsletters sent home.
will also occur at regularly This will also occur at
planned parent meetings. regularly planned parent
Notices of Technology meetings meetings. Notices of Tech-
will be posted on website, nology meetings will be
Facebook, & Community posted on website, Facebook,
Calendar and newsletters & Community Calendar and
sent home. newsletters sent home.
Increase overall access to Inventory and update Update computers and/or AMTR and in-house inventories
personal learning devices. computers and software software in classroom and
as needed. lab.
Technology Committee Technology Committee Utilize Personal Learning Continue current use and Staff and Students Keep inventory of all board-
Devices to promote student explore optional uses to approved programs.
owned learning. create a user friendly
individualized learning environment
Staff and Students Explore and implement newly
discovered uses of PLDs. Implement
research based programs.
Students, Staff, Tech Committee
Expansion of SmartBoard
use for the delivery of
instruction in CCES
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ...ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Staff and students are utilizing NWEA MAP testing to evaluate skills and remediate using on-going assessments. The results of the MAP testing are aligned to Study Island where students work at their own pace with a facilitator. This allows constant monitoring as well as remediation on an individualized basis.
Students are exploring the use of digital literature. The use of digital texts and literature provides consistent upgrading of information without the purchase of hard copies. Data is easier shared. Bridges Academy will explore the tablets that could provide instant access to textbooks.
Staff is currently accessing resources such as http://www. oercommons. org/ that provides a worldwide learning network of shared teaching and learning materials made freely available online. Teachers participate in teach-pay-teacher. com and even share plans with others in addition to accessing them. NCWiseOwl is utilized by all staff members as well as students.
Teachers will be trained in all components of Home Base including the Evaluator Education System and SchoolNet. Inaddition, teachers will have training in EVAAS. Access to these resources could be increased by sharing services with other rural nonprofit organizations.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resou rces, Including Digital Textbooks
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Continue to transition Investigate the usability and Identify cost effective List of cost effective
from traditional print cost effectiveness of online programs that may be programs presented to
and paper-based resources in comparison to used to replace print program committee of
resources to current, to print and paper resources. copies. Board.
affordable online Tech Committee Tech Committee
Utilize procured resources Staff will be trained in the Staff will use NC Wise Documentation of use through
such as NC WiseOwl, use of NC WiseOwl and Owl and Home Base in evaluations presented to
Home Base and other and Home Base in addition addition to other state personnel committee.
open education resources. to other state provided resources provided resources
Staff and students Staff and students
Use digital content aligned Instructional resources will be Resources that are research A digital log of research-based
specifically to Common identified as research based based to align with the programs that are aligned to the
Core and NC Essential to align with the Common Common Core and NC Essential Common Core and NC Essential
Standards Core and NC Essential Standards Standards will be used for standards .
Staff instruction.
Tech Committee Staff
Board program committee Tech Committee
Board Program Committee
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the
vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Professional development activities at Bridges Academy have been designed to utilize NCDPI resource, RAC resources and NW RESA resources as well as those of provided consultants.
Teachers collaborate with on another as well as with colleagues from other LEAS to utilize the best resources that are provided and/or required by NCDPI.
Training is available through on-site staff, off-site staff, the local community colleges, district training and consultant opportunities.
On-site staff development programs are required in order to assure that staff may access all resource. Private consultants have been on-site to train in NWEA MAP and Study Island. Webinars for training have been provided through both NCDPI and privately contracted programs.
Specific skills in order to meet the transition to digital teaching and learning need to be identified. Training in those skills will be made to key identified staff members. In tum, those staff members will train all others. This will allow the program to be sustainable.
All staff members will be trained in the process of 21st Century learning and measurement. This will be aligned to the skills needed by students by all students. All staff members must complete an on-site PowerPoint and discussion regarding 21st Century Leaming, Teaching, Skills, and Measurement.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan . .. ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2016 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Implement a plan for Implement the use of IIS and SchoolNet will be Presentation of effective programs
embedded technology- Home Base required investigated and considered for online professional development to the Board.
enabled professional components and explore for implementation.
development for the Instructional Determine the most
teachers and administrators. Improvement System. effective technology-
Technology Committee enabled professional
Staff development opportunities.
Technology Committee
Support models that Instructional staff will Instructional staff will Documentation of research based technology
assist all school personnel observe the best practices observe and begin enabled instruction.
in creating technology- regarding the use of implementation of the
enabled instruction that technology based instruction best practices regarding
transforms educational that is research based. the use of technology
practice and improves Staff based instruction that is
Administration is research based.
student learning
Prepare media specialists Inform technology contractor Inform technology contractor Technology Committee confirms
and instructional of all reforms that are of all reforms that are required continuous reforms of self-audit.
technology facilitators required and suggested by state. by state and assure the
to support digital reform. Administration implementation of reform.
Technology Committee
Technology Committee
Deliver Common Core Expansion and best practices Expansion and best practices Documentation of expansion.
and Essential Standards of SmartBoard and of SmartBoard and other
training to teachers using other personal learning personal learning device use AMTR as well as observations of
integrated technology as devices use in the classroom in the classroom to appropriate usage.
a model for further to appropriately deliver CCESS. appropriately deliver CCESS
classroom integration.
Prepare staff for online Staff will access PD opportunities Staff will allow students an Documentation of online assessments
assessment delivery. regarding the use of technology opportunity to complete and use of date from assessments.
in analyzing student data and online assessments and
developing plans for the common core. will analyze data resulting
from assessment.
Staff Staff
Administration Student
Prepare students for Continue to offer students Continue to offer students Documentation of online assessments
assessment delivery. the opportunity and the opportunity and
practice to complete practice to complete
assignments online. assignments online.
Administration Administration
Staff Staff
Student Student
Provide ongoing support Continue to provide quality Continue to provide quality Documentation of
and professional staff development on staff development on staff development
development necessary technology integration as the integration of technology and attendees as well
for use of data to inform as well as PD on the use into the curriculum observations included in
instruction. of data to inform instruction. the teacher evaluation process.
Private Consultants Private Consultants
Best Practices Best practice
Provide support for Training and use of NCEES Training and use of NCEES Documentation on TrueNorth
teacher and as an option to McRel as an option to McRel Logic.
administrator progress as an evaluation instrument as an evaluation instrument NCEES
and evaluation according for teachers and for teachers and administrators
to MCREL standards. administrators. Teachers
Adminitration Administrators
Strategic Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Current Status/Moving Forward:
In order to better development a perspective of 21st Century Learning and the international and global awareness, Bridges Academy teachers and administrators have participated in webinars and on-line courses as well as face to face conferences and seminars.
School leaders will continue to learn in depth the STEM and it is connection to the real word. Teachers and leaders will attend STEM conferences. In addition, teachers will visit and participate in 21st Century Learning Communities as deemed feasible.
NCDPI online learning opportunities are in place. The School Improvement team has focused on the objectives of 21st Century skills. The SIP will continue to research opportunities to provide a 21st Century Learning Community in the rural setting of Bridges Academy.
Briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the
vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better
prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Create and lead a vision Continue to review and refine Continue to review and refine Minutes and recommendations
for 21st century education vision in the School Improvement vision in the School Improvement from SIP team, Strategic
Team as well as the Technology Team as well as the Technology Planning Committee, Technology
Committee in order Committee in order to reflect Committee.
to reflect changes in changes in technology as a
technology as a curriculum tool. curriculum tool.
SIP team SIP team
Technology Committee Technology Team
Create 21st century Continue professional development Continue professional development Minutes and recommendations
learning environments that investigates and explores that investigates and explores from SIP team and Technology
Common Core, 21st Century SchoolNet, Common Core, 21st Committee.
Learning and Home Base and Stem. Century Learning and Home
Technology Committee Base and Stem.
SIP team Technology Committee
Staff Sip team
Prepare teachers and Implement goals as outlined Implement goals as outlined Minutes and recommendations
administrators to lead in Technology Plan and in Technology Plan and from Technology Committee.
21st century learning explore rural 21st Century explore rural 21st Century
environments Learning Communities. Learning Communities.
Technology Committee Technology Committee
Administration Administration
Develop strategic Explore technology partnerships Explore and recommend technology Minutes and recommendations
partnerships with with local nonprofits, business, partnerships with local non-profits, from Technology Committee
community and nearby charter schools and businesses, nearby charter schools, board minutes.
business to promote if possible local school systems. and if possible, local school systems.
21st Century learning. Technology Committee Technology Committee
Appendix A: Policies and Procedures
Bridges Academy Technology Plan
Policy, Procedure, & Guidelines Implementation Chart
Policies, Procedures, & Guidelines All Policies, procedures and guidelines should be updated to LEA Policy Code or Procedure LEA Adoption,
include the fundamentals of 21st Century Education and Information & Technology Essential Standards. or implementation, or
Policies should be translated into predominant languages of students and parents. Policies, procedures Revision date.
and guidelines should be displayed along with the STP and other referenced LEA/Charter plans. Mak
e sure links have navigations that are user friendly.
Policies (Required)
A. Materials Selection Policy including internet resources (GS §115c-98(b)) TP01 07/12
B. Disposal of Equipment / Replacement of Obsolete Equipment (GS §115c-518) TP02 10/98
C. Hardware and Software Procurement (GS § 115c-522, 115c-522.1) TP03 07/12
D. Copyright and Plagiarism Policy (PL §94-553, 90 Stat. 2541), TP04 07/12
E. Acceptable Use Policy (PL §106-554) (including existing 1:1, bring your own device) TP05 07/12
F. Equipment/Materials Donation Policy (GS §115C-518) TP06 07/12
G. Data Privacy Policy (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA)) TP07 07/12
H. Inventory Control Policy (GS §115c-539, 115c-102.6A-C(5)) TP08 07/12
I. Access to Services Policy (GS §115c-106.2) TP09 07/12
J. Online Assessment Policy TP10 07/12
K. Advertising and Commercialism Policy (GS §115c-98) (Procurement and gifts ethics) TP11 10/98
L. Internet Safety and Ethical Use including Cyberbullying and Harassment TP12 07/12
(Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, CIPA, FERPA, GS 115C-407)
M. (Locally identified policies)
A. Hardware and Software Deployment
B. Equipment maintenance and repairs
C. Outdated Resources and Equipment Replacement
D. Disaster Recovery of Data and Hardware
E. Administration of Online Courses
F. Administration of Online Assessment
G. (Locally identified procedures)
A. Policy Translation
B. Use of Digital Media and Resources
C. Instructional Use of Videos
D. Development of Online Resources
E. (Locally identified guidelines)
Vision Page 1
Strategic Priorities Overview Page 2
Priority 1: Shared Services Model Page 3
Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices Page 6
Priority 3: Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks Page 9
Priority 4: Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development Page 12
Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for Your LEA Page 16
Appendices Page 19
Bridges Academy
Technology Planning Committee/MTAC
Member Job Title/Position
Merry Armstrong Lowe Director/Principal
Scotty Lambert Technology Contractor
Melissa Tharpe Board Member
Kim White Business Manager
Linsey Miller Classroom Teacher
Vision Statement
Creating a nurturing environment where children and teachers can "tingle with discovery" is the mission of Bridges Academy. The school is founded with the conviction that making connections defines the learning process. It is a place that addresses the needs of certain children who are "failing to thrive" in their current educational setting. Research shows that students who are allowed to study self-selected topics through the use of technology stay focused and enjoy higher levels of achievement than others. Though the use of state-of-the art technology, Bridges' students will become independent lifetime learners. The whole community-teachers, students, and parents- will become the bridges that link life and learning and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, patterns and principles which are the foundation of knowledge in our world.
The Bridges Academy Technology Committee is committed to the technology plan under the conditions of finance. The plan is realistic and achievable, relevant to what we do, can do and envision doing over the next two years. Committee members relate technology goals to the overall mission of the school and to achieving the objectives of student performance.
Bridges Academy Technology Plan
Strategic Priorities
2014 - 2016
Shared Services Model
Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
21st Century Leadership for Your LEA/Charter
Strategic Priorities Overview:
Bridges Academy has worked with Wilkes County Schools through the Board Chairman, a principal in Wilkes County Schools. WE are invited to utilize workshops in conjunction with technology as well as in-service programs at NW RESA. Although Bridges receives no RttT money, it participates in the technology updates and requirements of Home Base through RESA.
It is the goal for each student to have access to personal teaching and learning devices to use in the educational process. Digital textbooks and other such resources will be explored and stakeholders will provide input on those choices.
Students currently are enrolled in research based internet programs including NWEA MAP, Study Island, and Scientific Learning FastForWord.
Teachers and staff access a variety of trainings through webinars and online learning opportunities such as NCWiseOwl and NC Education. There are numerous free and low cost webinars offered by professional organizations. Teachers are asked to make these opportunities part of their PDP.
Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Bridges Academy pays through e-rate and local funds accessed from the systems served. Other opportunities are being explored including the School Connectivity Initiative and technology grants.
Shared Services has already assisted in implementing instructional models through Home Base. The school will continue to evaluate and implement these programs as the board approves.
The Shared service model will protect sustainability in rural setting such as Bridges Academy. The school is accessing rural technology initiatives for that purpose.
Through cooperative purchases and networking, Bridges Academy can provide equal or higher technology instruction to its students.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
1. Statewide Shared Services Model
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 Year 2 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Provide equitable and Continue to assess Make recommendations Board Presentation
additional access to the needs of and the to the committee
and board ad hoc
committee regarding the
Mobile devices latest devices & apps most school friendly
that are school friendly. devices and apps.
Stakeholders Stakeholders
Technology Committee Technology committee
Board of Directors Board of Directors
Provide equitable and Continue to evaluate rural Determine best technology Present list to board
additional access to incentives for technology access. access for rural environment
digital resources Stakeholders, Tech Committee Stakeholders, Tech Committee
Stakeholders Board of Directors Board of Directors
Reduce operating costs Investigate cooperative Determine what cooperative Present to Board
by facilitating a more agreements using technology agreements are feasible to Approve if feasible
strategic budgeting model in conjunction with other allow reduced costs and
utilizing blended funding school, charter schools, provide quality programs.
and reducing isolated or nonprofits in order Stakeholders
Technology committee
Board of Directors
programmatic spending to reduce costs.
Technology committee
Board of Directors
Promote/maintain innovative Create a cooperative Define resources that promote Committee Minutes
funding model by utilizing subcommittee that explores that promote innovative Presentation to the board
NCEdCloud offerings, NCEdCloud, Home Base funding and how to access and minutes from
Home Base and/or and comparable programs. best resources for rural presentation.
comparable alternatives charter schools.
Subcommittee Subcommittee
Tech Committee Tech Committee
NCDPI Support team NCDI Support Team
Maximize E-Rate in support Continue eRate application Continue eRate application Present Application to Board
of instructional programs Tech Committee Tech Committee
NCDPI Support Team NCDPI Support team
Bridges Academy Business office Bridges Academy business office
Provide content filtering Continue and monitor filters Continue, monitor and upgrade Presentation to the board using
in accordance with the to protect student access filters to protect student network usage reports,
invoices on
services and maintenance.
Children's Internet to internet access to internet.
Protection Act (CIPA). School technology contractor
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Current Status and Moving Forward:
All classes currently have access to SmartBoards in the classroom. Each class also has two to three computers along with three to five netbooks. Wireless service is available to each class. Each teacher has a personal desktop and over 80% of the teachers have a laptop
The school has an active website and a parent maintained Facebook page. Teachers utilize DropBox to share information with one another. Computers are used to meet multiple learning styles. The computer lab has 14 computers where students may access Study Island as well as NWEA MAP assessments. FastForWord neuroscience exercises are also offered. Distance learning is being considered for the middle grades.
Teachers share access to a variety of teaching and learning resources through the internet. Teachers and administration are exploring the need to have quality and research based programs.
Upgraded laptops and tablets are being considered for teachers. Inaddition, classroom access for every student is being considered through the purchase of more computers and laptops in the room.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 6/30/2015 - 7/1/2016 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method (s)
Develop a comprehensive Continue to access plan for Continue to access plan Tech Committee Documentation of plan
sustainable LEA plan for universal access to school for universal access to and its use by Tech-
resources. school resources. nology Committee
universal access. Resources: Technology Committee Technology Committee
NCDPI, NCLTI, Educator
Effectiveness, and District
& School Transformation .
Communicate your plan to Notices of Technology meetings Notices of Technology meetings Sign-in sheets, Parent Information
all stakeholders. will be posted on website, will be posted on website, copy for news- sessions.
Facebook, community calendar, Facebook, community calendar, letters.
and newsletters sent home. This and newsletters sent home.
will also occur at regularly This will also occur at
planned parent meetings. regularly planned parent
Notices of Technology meetings meetings. Notices of Tech-
will be posted on website, nology meetings will be
Facebook, & Community posted on website, Facebook,
Calendar and newsletters & Community Calendar and
sent home. newsletters sent home.
Increase overall access to Inventory and update Update computers and/or AMTR and in-house inventories
personal learning devices. computers and software software in classroom and
as needed. lab.
Technology Committee Technology Committee Utilize Personal Learning Continue current use and Staff and Students Keep inventory of all board-
Devices to promote student explore optional uses to approved programs.
owned learning. create a user friendly
individualized learning environment
Staff and Students Explore and implement newly
discovered uses of PLDs. Implement
research based programs.
Students, Staff, Tech Committee
Expansion of SmartBoard
use for the delivery of
instruction in CCES
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ...ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Staff and students are utilizing NWEA MAP testing to evaluate skills and remediate using on-going assessments. The results of the MAP testing are aligned to Study Island where students work at their own pace with a facilitator. This allows constant monitoring as well as remediation on an individualized basis.
Students are exploring the use of digital literature. The use of digital texts and literature provides consistent upgrading of information without the purchase of hard copies. Data is easier shared. Bridges Academy will explore the tablets that could provide instant access to textbooks.
Staff is currently accessing resources such as http://www. oercommons. org/ that provides a worldwide learning network of shared teaching and learning materials made freely available online. Teachers participate in teach-pay-teacher. com and even share plans with others in addition to accessing them. NCWiseOwl is utilized by all staff members as well as students.
Teachers will be trained in all components of Home Base including the Evaluator Education System and SchoolNet. Inaddition, teachers will have training in EVAAS. Access to these resources could be increased by sharing services with other rural nonprofit organizations.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resou rces, Including Digital Textbooks
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Continue to transition Investigate the usability and Identify cost effective List of cost effective
from traditional print cost effectiveness of online programs that may be programs presented to
and paper-based resources in comparison to used to replace print program committee of
resources to current, to print and paper resources. copies. Board.
affordable online Tech Committee Tech Committee
Utilize procured resources Staff will be trained in the Staff will use NC Wise Documentation of use through
such as NC WiseOwl, use of NC WiseOwl and Owl and Home Base in evaluations presented to
Home Base and other and Home Base in addition addition to other state personnel committee.
open education resources. to other state provided resources provided resources
Staff and students Staff and students
Use digital content aligned Instructional resources will be Resources that are research A digital log of research-based
specifically to Common identified as research based based to align with the programs that are aligned to the
Core and NC Essential to align with the Common Common Core and NC Essential Common Core and NC Essential
Standards Core and NC Essential Standards Standards will be used for standards .
Staff instruction.
Tech Committee Staff
Board program committee Tech Committee
Board Program Committee
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the
vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
Current Status and Moving Forward:
Professional development activities at Bridges Academy have been designed to utilize NCDPI resource, RAC resources and NW RESA resources as well as those of provided consultants.
Teachers collaborate with on another as well as with colleagues from other LEAS to utilize the best resources that are provided and/or required by NCDPI.
Training is available through on-site staff, off-site staff, the local community colleges, district training and consultant opportunities.
On-site staff development programs are required in order to assure that staff may access all resource. Private consultants have been on-site to train in NWEA MAP and Study Island. Webinars for training have been provided through both NCDPI and privately contracted programs.
Specific skills in order to meet the transition to digital teaching and learning need to be identified. Training in those skills will be made to key identified staff members. In tum, those staff members will train all others. This will allow the program to be sustainable.
All staff members will be trained in the process of 21st Century learning and measurement. This will be aligned to the skills needed by students by all students. All staff members must complete an on-site PowerPoint and discussion regarding 21st Century Leaming, Teaching, Skills, and Measurement.
Using the chart below, briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan . .. ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2016 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
Implement a plan for Implement the use of IIS and SchoolNet will be Presentation of effective programs
embedded technology- Home Base required investigated and considered for online professional development to the Board.
enabled professional components and explore for implementation.
development for the Instructional Determine the most
teachers and administrators. Improvement System. effective technology-
Technology Committee enabled professional
Staff development opportunities.
Technology Committee
Support models that Instructional staff will Instructional staff will Documentation of research based technology
assist all school personnel observe the best practices observe and begin enabled instruction.
in creating technology- regarding the use of implementation of the
enabled instruction that technology based instruction best practices regarding
transforms educational that is research based. the use of technology
practice and improves Staff based instruction that is
Administration is research based.
student learning
Prepare media specialists Inform technology contractor Inform technology contractor Technology Committee confirms
and instructional of all reforms that are of all reforms that are required continuous reforms of self-audit.
technology facilitators required and suggested by state. by state and assure the
to support digital reform. Administration implementation of reform.
Technology Committee
Technology Committee
Deliver Common Core Expansion and best practices Expansion and best practices Documentation of expansion.
and Essential Standards of SmartBoard and of SmartBoard and other
training to teachers using other personal learning personal learning device use AMTR as well as observations of
integrated technology as devices use in the classroom in the classroom to appropriate usage.
a model for further to appropriately deliver CCESS. appropriately deliver CCESS
classroom integration.
Prepare staff for online Staff will access PD opportunities Staff will allow students an Documentation of online assessments
assessment delivery. regarding the use of technology opportunity to complete and use of date from assessments.
in analyzing student data and online assessments and
developing plans for the common core. will analyze data resulting
from assessment.
Staff Staff
Administration Student
Prepare students for Continue to offer students Continue to offer students Documentation of online assessments
assessment delivery. the opportunity and the opportunity and
practice to complete practice to complete
assignments online. assignments online.
Administration Administration
Staff Staff
Student Student
Provide ongoing support Continue to provide quality Continue to provide quality Documentation of
and professional staff development on staff development on staff development
development necessary technology integration as the integration of technology and attendees as well
for use of data to inform as well as PD on the use into the curriculum observations included in
instruction. of data to inform instruction. the teacher evaluation process.
Private Consultants Private Consultants
Best Practices Best practice
Provide support for Training and use of NCEES Training and use of NCEES Documentation on TrueNorth
teacher and as an option to McRel as an option to McRel Logic.
administrator progress as an evaluation instrument as an evaluation instrument NCEES
and evaluation according for teachers and for teachers and administrators
to MCREL standards. administrators. Teachers
Adminitration Administrators
Strategic Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Current Status/Moving Forward:
In order to better development a perspective of 21st Century Learning and the international and global awareness, Bridges Academy teachers and administrators have participated in webinars and on-line courses as well as face to face conferences and seminars.
School leaders will continue to learn in depth the STEM and it is connection to the real word. Teachers and leaders will attend STEM conferences. In addition, teachers will visit and participate in 21st Century Learning Communities as deemed feasible.
NCDPI online learning opportunities are in place. The School Improvement team has focused on the objectives of 21st Century skills. The SIP will continue to research opportunities to provide a 21st Century Learning Community in the rural setting of Bridges Academy.
Briefly describe/explain how your LEA/Charter plan will utilize and align with the strategies in place in other plans/ initiatives being implemented in your LEA.
Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Bridges Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the
vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan ... ACRE
By participating in the shared services model offerings, Bridges Academy will better
prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go
Bridges Academy's goal is to enable all students to continue lifelong learning after graduating from high school.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Although Bridges Academy does not receive RttT money, the school and staff will have the opportunity to access training and assistance from NWRESA regarding staff development and technology training.
Home Base Implementation
All required components of Home Base will be implemented. Optional portions will be assessed by the committee.
5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts
Goals should be precise and measurable. See notes/guidelines regarding evaluation.
Suggested Goals/Targets Year 1 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 Year 2 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Yearly Evaluation Evaluation Method(s)
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Create and lead a vision Continue to review and refine Continue to review and refine Minutes and recommendations
for 21st century education vision in the School Improvement vision in the School Improvement from SIP team, Strategic
Team as well as the Technology Team as well as the Technology Planning Committee, Technology
Committee in order Committee in order to reflect Committee.
to reflect changes in changes in technology as a
technology as a curriculum tool. curriculum tool.
SIP team SIP team
Technology Committee Technology Team
Create 21st century Continue professional development Continue professional development Minutes and recommendations
learning environments that investigates and explores that investigates and explores from SIP team and Technology
Common Core, 21st Century SchoolNet, Common Core, 21st Committee.
Learning and Home Base and Stem. Century Learning and Home
Technology Committee Base and Stem.
SIP team Technology Committee
Staff Sip team
Prepare teachers and Implement goals as outlined Implement goals as outlined Minutes and recommendations
administrators to lead in Technology Plan and in Technology Plan and from Technology Committee.
21st century learning explore rural 21st Century explore rural 21st Century
environments Learning Communities. Learning Communities.
Technology Committee Technology Committee
Administration Administration
Develop strategic Explore technology partnerships Explore and recommend technology Minutes and recommendations
partnerships with with local nonprofits, business, partnerships with local non-profits, from Technology Committee
community and nearby charter schools and businesses, nearby charter schools, board minutes.
business to promote if possible local school systems. and if possible, local school systems.
21st Century learning. Technology Committee Technology Committee
Appendix A: Policies and Procedures
Bridges Academy Technology Plan
Policy, Procedure, & Guidelines Implementation Chart
Policies, Procedures, & Guidelines All Policies, procedures and guidelines should be updated to LEA Policy Code or Procedure LEA Adoption,
include the fundamentals of 21st Century Education and Information & Technology Essential Standards. or implementation, or
Policies should be translated into predominant languages of students and parents. Policies, procedures Revision date.
and guidelines should be displayed along with the STP and other referenced LEA/Charter plans. Mak
e sure links have navigations that are user friendly.
Policies (Required)
A. Materials Selection Policy including internet resources (GS §115c-98(b)) TP01 07/12
B. Disposal of Equipment / Replacement of Obsolete Equipment (GS §115c-518) TP02 10/98
C. Hardware and Software Procurement (GS § 115c-522, 115c-522.1) TP03 07/12
D. Copyright and Plagiarism Policy (PL §94-553, 90 Stat. 2541), TP04 07/12
E. Acceptable Use Policy (PL §106-554) (including existing 1:1, bring your own device) TP05 07/12
F. Equipment/Materials Donation Policy (GS §115C-518) TP06 07/12
G. Data Privacy Policy (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA)) TP07 07/12
H. Inventory Control Policy (GS §115c-539, 115c-102.6A-C(5)) TP08 07/12
I. Access to Services Policy (GS §115c-106.2) TP09 07/12
J. Online Assessment Policy TP10 07/12
K. Advertising and Commercialism Policy (GS §115c-98) (Procurement and gifts ethics) TP11 10/98
L. Internet Safety and Ethical Use including Cyberbullying and Harassment TP12 07/12
(Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, CIPA, FERPA, GS 115C-407)
M. (Locally identified policies)
A. Hardware and Software Deployment
B. Equipment maintenance and repairs
C. Outdated Resources and Equipment Replacement
D. Disaster Recovery of Data and Hardware
E. Administration of Online Courses
F. Administration of Online Assessment
G. (Locally identified procedures)
A. Policy Translation
B. Use of Digital Media and Resources
C. Instructional Use of Videos
D. Development of Online Resources
E. (Locally identified guidelines)