2587 Pleasant Ridge Road
State Road, NC 28676
(336) 874-2721
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………… 3
Vision Statement ………………………………………………………………………... 3
Schedule ………………………………………………………………………………. 4/5
Absences/Tardiness …………………………………………………………………… 5
Dress Code ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Leaving Early …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Employee Grievance Policy …………….......…………………………………………… 6
Parent Visits/Early Pickups ………………........……………………………………… ... 6
Volunteers ………………………………………………………………………………. ..6
Snow Days ……………………………………………………………………………… 4
Sexual Misconduct ……………………………………………………………………... 7
Conflict of Interest Policy ………………....…………………………………………… 7
Curriculum ………………………………….………………………………………….. 8
Methodology ………………………………………………………………………… 9/10
Physical Education ………………………………………………………………….. 10
Communication with Parents ……………..………………………………………... 10
Discipline of Students ………………………………………………………………… 11
Saturday School ………………………………………………………………......... 11/12
Student Rules ………………………………..……………………………………….. 12
Employee Benefits …………………………………………………………………... 12
Faculty Meetings …………………………………………………………………….. 12
Safety Issues ………………………………….…………………………………….. 13
Staff Children & Dependents…………………………………………………… 13/14
Anti-Bullying Policy …………………………………………………………………... 14
Character Education ………………………………………………………………….. 14
Staff Discipline ………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Substance Abuse Policy ………………………………………………………….. 15/16
Sexual Harassment Policy ………………...…………………………………………. 16
Criminal Background Check …………….....………………………………………… 16
Leave Requests …………………………………………………………………… 16/17
Miscellaneous ~ Personal electronic devices, cell phones, etc…..................….. 17
Soft Drinks/Snacks ………………………….………………………………………... 17
Driving Duties ………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Electronic Devices Use on Vans ………......………………………………………… 18
Facebook ………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Code of Ethics ………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Staff Signature Agreement ………………......……………………………………….. 20
Mission Statement
Creating a nurturing environment where children and teachers
can tingle with discovery is the mission of Bridges Academy. The school is
founded with the conviction that making connections defines the learning
process. It is a place that addresses the needs of certain children that are
failing to thrive in their current educational setting. The whole community
– teachers, students, and parents
– become the bridges that link life and
learning and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, patterns, and
principles which are the foundation of knowledge in our world.
Vision Statement
Our vision is for Bridges Academy to become the best school in the Yadkin
Valley Region of Wilkes, Surry and Yadkin Counties.
Home of the Bulldogs
A normal workday for educational staff (Teachers and Assistants) is from 7:45
am until 3:45 pm (8 hours). The formal school day for students is from 8:15 am
until 3:15 pm. Twenty-five minutes is the length of lunch period. Tuesdays are
being designated as "meeting" days. Educational staff persons are expected to
attend a mandatory staff meeting every other (1st and 3rd) Tuesday. Each
alternate Tuesday (2nd and 4th) will be reserved for IEP meetings, student case
staffing, and related activities. Therefore, every Faculty Member should
reserve Tuesday afternoons for meetings from 3:45 pm until 4:45 pm. Flex time
will be given on Friday afternoons to balance the time spent in meetings.
Early Duty: Staff responsible for early duty should arrive at 7:30 am.
Early duty staff will no longer include teachers. Teacher Assistants and
administrative staff will be responsible for early duty. Staff persons arriving
at 7:30 am to cover early duty may leave at 3:30 pm to balance their workday.
Early duty staff will be assigned on a rotating basis. Students will be
supervised in the gym by early duty staff from 7:30 am until 8:10 am, at which
time the students will be picked up promptly by their respective classroom
teachers. Early duty staff persons are REQUIRED to inform
administration by 6:00 am if they cannot arrive on time.
Procedures for Early Duty
Insist that those students who will eat breakfast at school do so
immediately upon arrival.
Students who do not eat breakfast, or who have finished breakfast, should go
to the gym bleachers and sit down.
No ball games (or other group games) should be allowed at this time for
safety purposes.
Be especially vigilant regarding bullying (verbal as well as physical).
Students should remain on the bleachers with their
class until their classroom teachers come for them – promptly
at 8:10 am!
Car – line duty will be assigned on a rotating
basis. The staff person on duty will report to car line and escort students to
their parents’ cars. Students will never be allowed to ride with
anyone other than a parent or guardian without written permission from home or
authorization from administration.
Administration and Management Staff: Administrative and Management staff’s
workday is from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm if lunch is not taken. If lunch is taken,
the formal workday is from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Staff members should rotate
their schedules so that the business office of the school remains open from 8:00
am to 5:00 pm. Flex time will be allowed for more than eight (8) hours worked
per day, for night and weekend activities, and for other work related activities
that cause staff members accumulated work hours per week to total over 40. Care
should be taken to use accrued flex time so that individuals do not miss
important organizational responsibilities.
An organizational chart is attached to this handbook that shows your direct
supervisor. There is an open-door policy regarding staff and any
administration; director, associate director or chief operating officer.
Director/principal is Merry A. Lowe, Associate Director/Assistant principal
is Danny Haire, and the Chief Operating Officer is Shannon Pruitt Caudill. This
team constitutes the school administration.
Whenever possible, please give notice of necessary absences or tardiness in
advance. In the event of illness, etc., call Merry Lowe at (336) 835-9777 or
Danny Haire (336) 961-2395 and your teacher, assistant, or co-worker by 6:30 am.
Please do not leave a message on the school’s answering machine. Your call is
very important in determining whether we need extra supervision until your arrival.
Dress Code
Please dress professionally. Recent research has suggested that the success
of students is affected positively and measurably by the attractive,
well-dressed, and neat appearance of their teachers. Please remember that a
loving, encouraging expression makes teachers beautiful/handsome. Keep in mind
that we are setting examples and that a careless appearance damages the whole
school. Please take time to make your hair and personal grooming show that you care.
Leaving Early
If it becomes necessary to leave school briefly, or to leave early for the
day, please sign the sign-out sheet in the office. Liability and record-keeping
are involved. Please inform Merry Lowe or Danny Haire if you must leave.
Employee Grievance Policy
In the event that a Bridges Academy employee has a grievance, he or she is
encouraged to request (in writing) a conference with the principal. Grievances
should be filed with the principal within five days of the alleged incident. If
a meeting with the principal fails to satisfy the employee, he or she is
encouraged to seek an appointment (in writing) with the Board Chair, or the
Chairperson of the Personnel Committee. The principal should also be involved
in this meeting. The final step is to request (in writing) a meeting with the
full Board, stating the grievance and desired outcome. The employee may request
the presence of a mediator at any time in the Grievance Process.
Parent Visits/Early Pickups
Bridges Academy is committed to working closely with parents. Formal
conferences at Report Card time are encouraged. Other conferences may be
scheduled before or after school at your convenience. If a parent should come
to your room during school hours, please insist that the conference be postponed
until students are not present. Never release a child from your
class (even to a parent) without the awareness of a member of administration, an
office staffer, or an official note.
Volunteers can offer valuable help. Volunteer training sessions are offered
in early September each year. A training session is required of all volunteers
before they can work directly with students. Please feel free to use your own
creativity in suggesting ways that volunteers can be of assistance in your
classroom or on field trips. Please show mutual respect to volunteers. If you
have suggestions regarding volunteers, please refer them to administration.
Snow Days
In the event of snow or other emergency requiring the unscheduled closing of
school, announcements will be made on WXII TV, WIFM Radio, and the school
answering machine. Staff members may also get a personal call if there is a
last minute decision. Please be sure that your phone numbers are kept
current in the office.
Sexual Misconduct
Child sexual abuse is criminal behavior that involves children in sexual
behaviors for which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally
ready. No act of physical or sexual abuse will be tolerated! Staff should be
very careful before encouraging a personal relationship with students outside of
school. The school cannot accept liability resulting from a relationship
outside of school. Complaints regarding such a relationship may result in termination.
Please refer to policies and procedures involving the reporting,
investigation, and consequences of child sexual abuse or allegations thereof.
Incidences of adult sexual harassment should be reported to the school administration.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Bridges Academy employees in positions of trust –
principal, assistant principal, EC director, business manager, administrative
assistant, or any others which may be hired for positions of trust –
shall not be related to each other.
Bridges Academy employees are prohibited from having business interests in
companies affiliated with, or acting as major customers or suppliers of, the school.
Transactions by officials of Bridges Academy are recorded and disclosed.
Transactions with or by Bridges Academy officials occur only in the normal
course of business and are legally authorized.
The Bridges Academy Curriculum was created to be a dynamic work in progress.
The basic tenets of our curriculum design are
thematic, interdisciplinary units
flexible placement and multi-age grouping
sensitivity to individual learning styles and talents
hands–on instruction
both inclusion and "pull out" methods of instruction will be used with
exceptional students
21st century understanding and use of technology in multiple ways
Experiential learning programs should be an integral part of the curriculum
Teachers are encouraged to seek out stimulating material and to investigate
and coordinate student and teacher passions with the specifics of the Common
Core State Standards. The curriculum design is supplemented with school-wide
reading programs. Teachers and staff will be trained in MAP assessments and
Study Island. Both will become a part benchmarks, remediation, and progress monitoring.
The curriculum design is further strengthened by the addition of Fast
ForWord, a training program that is heavily researched and that has been proven
effective with students who have dyslexia, auditory processing disorders,
autism, attention disorders, and other unexplained and (thus far) unnamed learning disorders.
Curriculum design at Bridges Academy has the goal of maximizing the student’s
full potential for academic success, both now and in the future. Objectives
will use a holistic approach to education with attempts made to meet each
student’s individual needs. Measureable outcomes will be documented to provide
benchmarks for educational improvement, academic growth, and eventual success.
*Students should be read to daily from high quality work on a
challenging level!
Bridges Academy purposefully hires multi-talented teachers with strong
nurturing skills who can manage self-contained classrooms and develop a close
bond with students across the curriculum areas.
A variety of methodologies is encouraged: experiential learning, lecture,
small group activities, multiple technological experiences, individual research,
drills, projects, hands-on activities, field trips, guest speakers, etc.
Thematic units are expected to evolve from the interests of the class (students
and teachers). Hopefully, topics will be researched through books, the
internet, faculty brainstorming sessions, parental input, local resources,
appropriate field trips, and the Common Core State Standards. Teachers are
urged to incorporate artistic experiences regularly (including singing, musical
instruments, dance, puppetry, drama, drawing, painting, creative crafts, and etc.).
Materials are expected to be multi-disciplinary and multi-sensory.
Activities appropriate to a variety of learning styles and talents should be
developed. It is believed that music, visual arts, drama, physical education,
etc. will be correlated.
Through our commitment to the methodology, students should begin to see the
interconnectedness of curricular components. They should begin to take
ownership of the educational material and gain confidence as they gain mastery.
Teachers are expected to excite students to the point that they will leave
class telling everybody what they’ve been learning and doing. We expect parents
to be calling to rave about their children’s progress and enthusiasm.
Having these responses is considered a requirement for continued
employment at Bridges Academy.
To facilitate commitment to the Bridges Academy Methodology, teachers are
asked to hand in a Unit Planner for each thematic unit prior to actually
beginning the unit. A copy of the required outline is included. Be sure to
identify goal numbers from the Common Core Standards and some sense of the "WOW"
factor for the unit. Please note that you are to plan a variety of arts
activities for each unit, including drama, poetry, literature, music, visual
arts, dance, etc. Teachers are asked to do several observations of teachers
whose technique is known to be dynamic, creative, and effective. Bridges
Academy teachers, as well as those in other systems who are known for their
talent and success, are on the list of those who may be observed.
Physical Education
Bridges Academy strives to help students develop lifelong habits of exercise
and good health. Teachers are required to offer a program which involves
students in aerobics, muscle strengthening, flexibility, visual-motor
coordination, and games. A combination of recreational activities and
calisthenics should help students develop coordination, endurance, and motor
skills. Although multiple activities are encouraged, tackle football, dodge
ball, jail ball, and tumbling are prohibited.
Teachers are asked to participate when possible and, at the very least, to
express their involvement by active encouragement and interaction.
*All physical education activities must be CLOSELY
Communication with Parents
Bridges Academy is committed to keeping parents informed. Parents are vital
members of our team. We purchase Assignment Books (Agendas) for each student
and encourage nightly messages in the form of homework assignments or updates.
Please encourage students’ parents to use the space provided to communicate
their interests and concerns.
In addition, please send weekly progress reports, a mandatory and more
elaborate monthly report, a mid-term report, and of course report cards with an
invitation to conference at the end of each nine weeks grading period.
Please send copies of monthly reports, mid-term reports, and report cards to
the office prior to giving/sending them to parents. No failing grades may
appear on mid-term reports or report cards unless parents have been alerted
through previous documentation.
Discipline of Students
Bridges Academy believes in a positive approach to discipline. There is
always an attempt to engage a student’s desire to cooperate. Teachers are
supported and encouraged in their efforts to handle routine infractions in the
classroom. Students are not to be left unsupervised in the hallway.
Teachers and assistants should work together when removing a student from class
so that general class instruction continues while, simultaneously, disciplinary
needs are also met. EC students will have a formal behavioral plan and should
be referred to the EC Coordinator. Immediate interventions should have the goal
of de-escalating violent, aggressive, and related inappropriate
behaviors. The administration will serve as consultants and/or will accept
disciplinary referrals, but only in critical instances. When a student is
brought to the office, the referring staff member should give a brief
description of the unacceptable behavior and return to class. Injuries,
fighting, profane language, pornography, and weapons are examples of problems
that must be reported to the administration office immediately!
*Corporal Punishment is Against Board Policy and is NOT
Based upon discipline procedures, students may be assigned to
in-school detention, afterschool detention, Saturday school or suspension.
Assignment to these disciplinary options will be done by a team of at least two
members including teacher, support staff, parent and administrator. These
assignments must have final approval by the principal, assistant principal, or
the Chief Operating Officer.
Saturday School and Afterschool
Staff willing to supervise afterschool or Saturday school may receive flex
time as determined by administration. Saturday school will be held the last
Saturday morning of each month. The last Saturday of each month will be
designated as Saturday school. It may be used for disciplinary reasons,
absences, work refusal, etc.
In addition, the last Saturday morning of each month will be designated as a
volunteer work day. Friends of Bridges and parent volunteers will be encouraged
to give a morning back to the school.
Student Rules
Student rules are covered in our "Parent/Student Handbook." Teachers are
requested to read the handbook with their students at the first of the year and
whenever pertinent.
Please be aware that eating and drinking are allowed only at meal and snack
times. Healthy snacks are required. Candy, gum, suckers, etc. are
prohibited as rewards. Certain drinks, water or other options may be required
by an IEP or 504.
Do not allow a student to enter your class after 8:15 am without an entry pass.
*A copy of the Bridges Academy Safe School Plan is attached.
Employee Benefits
Employees are asked to come to the administration office to sign up for
benefits or to make changes in existing benefits.
Faculty Meetings
The first and third Tuesdays of every month should be set aside for mandatory
faculty meetings. The meetings will be confirmed on the Monday before the
meeting. Meetings will be held at 3:30 pm unless otherwise specified.
Periodically, thematic unit plans will be shared. When possible, necessary
in-service training will be scheduled during this time period. Team meetings
are to be scheduled on alternate Tuesdays (2nd and 4th.) These meetings may
include IEP meetings with parents, student "case staffing’s" to discuss IEP
goals, EC referrals, individual student’s needs, and related information. In
summary, all staff should reserve Tuesday afternoons for Bridges Academy meetings.
Safety Issues
In order to have the safest school possible, as well as to address insurance
company concerns, we are requesting the following procedures:
Please help us to keep all exterior doors, except the front (office) door,
locked at all times.
Please keep pathways to exits clear. This effort should apply to pathways to
window exits, to classroom doors, and to building doors.
Never allow anyone who is not a Bridges Academy employee to remove a child
from your classroom without office permission.
Please respond immediately in the event of any weapon (however small),
fighting, or profanity. We will not tolerate foul language.
Notify administration immediately in the event of injury.
Report all bus misbehavior and even minor scrapes, dents, dings, or "fender benders."
Do not allow children to go barefooted. Insist on sneakers for P.E. (Never flip-flops).
In the event that you can hear thunder, insist that all students come inside immediately!
Do not cover your one-way mirrors.
Teachers are responsible for information documented in our Safety and
Critical Incident Plan that was updated in 2013. That would include all
materials in your recommended "Black Box".
Please insist that students finish snacks and drinks during break time.
Continuing to sip and nibble during instructional time is distracting at best.
See Bullying. Be a teacher who never overlooks a child’s discomfort at the
hands of others! Respond when a child "tattles" that someone has hit, pushed,
or hurt his/her feelings!
Staff Children and Dependents
As a family friendly workplace, Bridges is flexible regarding staff’s
children. If the staff member’s child does not attend Bridges, the child may
visit Bridges with prior approval from administration.
If a staff’s member’s child attends Bridges, the child must remain under the
parents close supervision when not in class or in a scheduled supervision
program such as before school. No child, student or visitor should interfere
with another staff member’s work or office space. There are many confidential
situations that should not involve children. Please adhere to this request in
assure the safety of the child and the workplace.
Anti-Bullying Policy
It is part of the mission and inherent nature o Bridges Academy to provide
an environment for students and faculty that is physically safe and emotionally
secure. Staff is instructed to model respectful behavior. Bullying at Bridges
Academy is considered to be any actions, gestures, or words that are unkind or
hurtful in any way.
Bullying will not be tolerated from students or adults. Criticism,
name-calling, and personal epithets constitute bullying as surely as physical
attacks. In the event of bullying by a student, there will be conferences with
the offender, followed by appropriate degrees of discipline (silent lunch,
in-school suspension, Saturday detention, expulsion, etc.), depending upon the
nature of the offense and the age of the child. In the inexcusable event of
bullying by an adult, serious disciplinary consequences will follow.
Our primary objective is to protect the victim. A crucial secondary
objective is to reach the heart and change the behavior of the
Character Education
It is state law that all schools must teach Character Education. We all
realize that teaching kindness, perseverance, tolerance, integrity, etc., is
critical to our society and to our enjoyment of life and of our fellow humans.
Through all our interactions, counseling efforts, and casual conversations with
students, we need to model and verbalize that compassionate, polite, ethical
behavior is crucial to all well-lived life!
Staff Discipline
The staff discipline policies and procedures are documented as follows:
Disciplinary actions will generally fall under five categories and range from
simple oral reprimand to immediate dismissal:
Oral Reprimand – utilized when a simple
discussion should correct the problem.
Formal discussion- Oral Reprimand with written documentation will be utilized
when repeated infractions occur, different infractions occur, and/or when
several infractions occur during a short period of time.
Written Reprimand- will be utilized for infractions of a more serious nature.
A written reprimand could be followed by a period of suspension, probation, or
Dismissal- will be utilized for infractions of a serious nature. The
dismissal will be conducted through a letter of dismissal stating reasons for
termination and the post-employment responsibilities of the organization and of
the dismissed employee.
Immediate Dismissal/Termination- will be utilized for very serious
infractions. The dismissal could be made "on the spot" with the terminated
employee being asked to leave the campus immediately until further contact by
Bridges Academy. In these instances, a letter will be mailed to the dismissed
employee making arrangement to return personal belongings, stating the reason
for immediate dismissal, and to inform the dismissed employee of the
responsibilities of the organization and the employee.
The purpose of disciplining an employee shall be to improve performance,
improve relationships with students, parents, and co-workers, and to protect the
interest of Bridges Academy.
Substance Abuse Policy
Bridges Academy is concerned about the effects of the abuse of drugs and
alcohol upon the health and safety of its employees. In light of these
concerns, the school shall maintain a workplace free of problems associated with
the abuse and/or misuse of drugs and alcohol. It is the policy of Bridges
Academy to hire employees who are not drug dependent, to help employees with
drug and alcohol challenges, and to encourage rehabilitation. Pre-employment
drug testing may be required for any new employee. Bridges Academy also
reserves the right to require a substance abuse screening test and/or medical
evaluation from individuals who are suspected of allowing drug or alcohol use to
affect their job performance. Failure to comply will result in immediate
dismissal. Bridges Academy will attempt to fulfill our obligations under the
Drug Free Workplace Act. The sale, distribution, manufacture, possession,
and/or use of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol are strictly
prohibited on the Bridges Academy premises. Bridges Academy is also a Tobacco-Free Workplace.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Bridges Academy strives to maintain an environment free from sexual
harassment. For policy purposes, sexual harassment shall be defined as
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature. The misconduct has the purpose or effect
of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work environment. Examples of sexual harassment would
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, sexually explicit pictures,
physical contact or touching, or conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcomed
and makes a person feel uncomfortable
Both factual claims and false claims of sexual harassment will be taken
seriously by Bridges Academy administration.
Criminal Background Check
Bridges Academy employees should be aware that a criminal background check
may be conducted to protect school interests. Any employee formally charged
with a felony, violent crime, sexual misconduct, child molestation, and/or
charges related to drugs or alcohol should make the school principal aware of
these charges within five working days of the charge date.
Leave Requests
Formal leave requests would include vacation leave, sick leave, flex time,
maternity leave, administrative leave, jury duty, or other. Leave requests
should be submitted to the administration office. A good rule of thumb would be
to advance your request for the same number of days that you would like to be
absent from work. For instance, review the following table:
Submit your leave request one day in advance for your request of one day of
leave, three days in advance for three days of leave, one week in advance for
one week of leave, and etc.
Employees requesting leave are responsible for communicating with
administrative staff to make sure that all work duties are met while the
employee is away from work.
Cell phones, IPods, personal email, etc.
Use of electronic devices during class time, or in the presence of students,
is thoughtless and unprofessional. If it is essential for you to use your
personal communication devices during duty hours, please excuse yourself to do
so. There will be no texting in class or in front of working students!
Students will be expected to check cell phones in with teachers or assistants
upon arrival to class. The phones will be returned at the end of the day. Any
student who fails to follow this rule will have his/her phone privilege revoked.
Cell phones should only be checked during breaks rather than leaving class.
This means text or conversation. If your inappropriate cell phone use is noted
by an administrator, you will be asked to relinquish your cell phone. Parent or
student complaints regarding cell phone use by a staff member may result in a
written reprimand. This includes all personal tech devices.
Soft Drinks/Snacks
Since soft drinks and snacks are banned for students, it is against the rules
of good manners and common sense for staff to drink pop or eat snacks in the
presence of students.
This courtesy precludes sending students to buy a soft drink for an adult.
Staff is asked to use an opaque cup or glass so that students cannot identify
Driving Duty
Staff may be expected to assist with driving duties on a rotating basis. An
effort will be made to give alternate assignments to staff who live relatively
far from school and who have early duties with their own children.
Bridges Academy vans will not be used for personal trips during school hours.
Gas will be purchased before or after school. Any van driver is prohibited from
using the van or bus for personal reasons.
Electronic Devices Use on Vans
Van drivers will not use electronic devices while vans are in motion!
However, if your phone rings, the caller might be the school with important
information. A responsible student should be appointed to answer the phone
while the driver pulls over to a safe place to receive the school’s message.
This plan is vital for risk management. Your phone records will be checked in
the event of an accident. Adhering to this policy will prevent some kinds of
New NC law states that drivers of buses or vans transporting children may not
use cell phones while driving children. Citations by laws enforcement will
result in one year suspension of driving school buses or vans.
If faculty members have a desire to invite (or allow) students to use their
Facebook page, a separate page must be dedicated to student use only. Do not
allow students to use a general-use Facebook page. Be aware that
inappropriate Facebook information can adversely affect your employment status
at Bridges Academy. This includes all social networking.
Staff Code of Ethics
As an employee of Bridges Academy, I promise that I shall subscribe to the
principles set forth in the Bridges Academy Staff Code of Ethics. The Bridges
Academy Staff Code of Ethics is outlined below and therefore I promise that I shall:
Follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the Staff Handbook.
Respect all individuals associated with Bridges Academy, especially parents,
students, and co-workers.
Support both the Mission and the Vision of Bridges Academy and assist
management in attaining short-term objectives and long-term goals.
Avoid conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality of Bridges Academy
records, materials, business, and especially confidential information.
Complete work duties in an efficient and conscientious manner with the goal
of reaching my full employment potential.
Maintain Bridges Academy guidelines, follow all policies and procedures, and
follow all statues related to the expenditure of federal, state, and local funds.
Promote and encourage a positive work atmosphere that empowers students to
achieve goals and that enables both students and staff to achieve their highest
Honor trust as a foundation to respect, lead by example, and follow policies
when interacting with parents, students, co-workers, and management level
Make only positive public and/or private comments regarding Bridges Academy
in general, school services, and school staff. Comments should always be
positive in nature and communicated to promote school characteristics such as
quality, integrity, accountability, transparency, and efficiency of programs and
Insure that all of my actions as a Bridges Academy staff person are legal,
ethical, and moral.
Follow the NC state code of Ethics for Teachers.
2013-2014 Staff agreement
The Staff Code of Ethics includes compliance with Bridges Academy By-Laws,
Policies and Procedures, and information documented in the Bridges Academy Staff
Handbook. If the Code of Ethics is broken, the consequences of the infraction
will follow disciplinary procedures documented in the Staff Handbook.
I understand this document shall be placed in my personnel file and that
violations of these codes may result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination. My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of the
Policy. I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask
questions about the Policy.
Employee Signature_____________________________________________________________________
2587 Pleasant Ridge Road
State Road, NC 28676
(336) 874-2721
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………… 3
Vision Statement ………………………………………………………………………... 3
Schedule ………………………………………………………………………………. 4/5
Absences/Tardiness …………………………………………………………………… 5
Dress Code ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Leaving Early …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Employee Grievance Policy …………….......…………………………………………… 6
Parent Visits/Early Pickups ………………........……………………………………… ... 6
Volunteers ………………………………………………………………………………. ..6
Snow Days ……………………………………………………………………………… 4
Sexual Misconduct ……………………………………………………………………... 7
Conflict of Interest Policy ………………....…………………………………………… 7
Curriculum ………………………………….………………………………………….. 8
Methodology ………………………………………………………………………… 9/10
Physical Education ………………………………………………………………….. 10
Communication with Parents ……………..………………………………………... 10
Discipline of Students ………………………………………………………………… 11
Saturday School ………………………………………………………………......... 11/12
Student Rules ………………………………..……………………………………….. 12
Employee Benefits …………………………………………………………………... 12
Faculty Meetings …………………………………………………………………….. 12
Safety Issues ………………………………….…………………………………….. 13
Staff Children & Dependents…………………………………………………… 13/14
Anti-Bullying Policy …………………………………………………………………... 14
Character Education ………………………………………………………………….. 14
Staff Discipline ………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Substance Abuse Policy ………………………………………………………….. 15/16
Sexual Harassment Policy ………………...…………………………………………. 16
Criminal Background Check …………….....………………………………………… 16
Leave Requests …………………………………………………………………… 16/17
Miscellaneous ~ Personal electronic devices, cell phones, etc…..................….. 17
Soft Drinks/Snacks ………………………….………………………………………... 17
Driving Duties ………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Electronic Devices Use on Vans ………......………………………………………… 18
Facebook ………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Code of Ethics ………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Staff Signature Agreement ………………......……………………………………….. 20
Mission Statement
Creating a nurturing environment where children and teachers
can tingle with discovery is the mission of Bridges Academy. The school is
founded with the conviction that making connections defines the learning
process. It is a place that addresses the needs of certain children that are
failing to thrive in their current educational setting. The whole community
– teachers, students, and parents
– become the bridges that link life and
learning and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, patterns, and
principles which are the foundation of knowledge in our world.
Vision Statement
Our vision is for Bridges Academy to become the best school in the Yadkin
Valley Region of Wilkes, Surry and Yadkin Counties.
Home of the Bulldogs
A normal workday for educational staff (Teachers and Assistants) is from 7:45
am until 3:45 pm (8 hours). The formal school day for students is from 8:15 am
until 3:15 pm. Twenty-five minutes is the length of lunch period. Tuesdays are
being designated as "meeting" days. Educational staff persons are expected to
attend a mandatory staff meeting every other (1st and 3rd) Tuesday. Each
alternate Tuesday (2nd and 4th) will be reserved for IEP meetings, student case
staffing, and related activities. Therefore, every Faculty Member should
reserve Tuesday afternoons for meetings from 3:45 pm until 4:45 pm. Flex time
will be given on Friday afternoons to balance the time spent in meetings.
Early Duty: Staff responsible for early duty should arrive at 7:30 am.
Early duty staff will no longer include teachers. Teacher Assistants and
administrative staff will be responsible for early duty. Staff persons arriving
at 7:30 am to cover early duty may leave at 3:30 pm to balance their workday.
Early duty staff will be assigned on a rotating basis. Students will be
supervised in the gym by early duty staff from 7:30 am until 8:10 am, at which
time the students will be picked up promptly by their respective classroom
teachers. Early duty staff persons are REQUIRED to inform
administration by 6:00 am if they cannot arrive on time.
Procedures for Early Duty
Insist that those students who will eat breakfast at school do so
immediately upon arrival.
Students who do not eat breakfast, or who have finished breakfast, should go
to the gym bleachers and sit down.
No ball games (or other group games) should be allowed at this time for
safety purposes.
Be especially vigilant regarding bullying (verbal as well as physical).
Students should remain on the bleachers with their
class until their classroom teachers come for them – promptly
at 8:10 am!
Car – line duty will be assigned on a rotating
basis. The staff person on duty will report to car line and escort students to
their parents’ cars. Students will never be allowed to ride with
anyone other than a parent or guardian without written permission from home or
authorization from administration.
Administration and Management Staff: Administrative and Management staff’s
workday is from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm if lunch is not taken. If lunch is taken,
the formal workday is from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Staff members should rotate
their schedules so that the business office of the school remains open from 8:00
am to 5:00 pm. Flex time will be allowed for more than eight (8) hours worked
per day, for night and weekend activities, and for other work related activities
that cause staff members accumulated work hours per week to total over 40. Care
should be taken to use accrued flex time so that individuals do not miss
important organizational responsibilities.
An organizational chart is attached to this handbook that shows your direct
supervisor. There is an open-door policy regarding staff and any
administration; director, associate director or chief operating officer.
Director/principal is Merry A. Lowe, Associate Director/Assistant principal
is Danny Haire, and the Chief Operating Officer is Shannon Pruitt Caudill. This
team constitutes the school administration.
Whenever possible, please give notice of necessary absences or tardiness in
advance. In the event of illness, etc., call Merry Lowe at (336) 835-9777 or
Danny Haire (336) 961-2395 and your teacher, assistant, or co-worker by 6:30 am.
Please do not leave a message on the school’s answering machine. Your call is
very important in determining whether we need extra supervision until your arrival.
Dress Code
Please dress professionally. Recent research has suggested that the success
of students is affected positively and measurably by the attractive,
well-dressed, and neat appearance of their teachers. Please remember that a
loving, encouraging expression makes teachers beautiful/handsome. Keep in mind
that we are setting examples and that a careless appearance damages the whole
school. Please take time to make your hair and personal grooming show that you care.
Leaving Early
If it becomes necessary to leave school briefly, or to leave early for the
day, please sign the sign-out sheet in the office. Liability and record-keeping
are involved. Please inform Merry Lowe or Danny Haire if you must leave.
Employee Grievance Policy
In the event that a Bridges Academy employee has a grievance, he or she is
encouraged to request (in writing) a conference with the principal. Grievances
should be filed with the principal within five days of the alleged incident. If
a meeting with the principal fails to satisfy the employee, he or she is
encouraged to seek an appointment (in writing) with the Board Chair, or the
Chairperson of the Personnel Committee. The principal should also be involved
in this meeting. The final step is to request (in writing) a meeting with the
full Board, stating the grievance and desired outcome. The employee may request
the presence of a mediator at any time in the Grievance Process.
Parent Visits/Early Pickups
Bridges Academy is committed to working closely with parents. Formal
conferences at Report Card time are encouraged. Other conferences may be
scheduled before or after school at your convenience. If a parent should come
to your room during school hours, please insist that the conference be postponed
until students are not present. Never release a child from your
class (even to a parent) without the awareness of a member of administration, an
office staffer, or an official note.
Volunteers can offer valuable help. Volunteer training sessions are offered
in early September each year. A training session is required of all volunteers
before they can work directly with students. Please feel free to use your own
creativity in suggesting ways that volunteers can be of assistance in your
classroom or on field trips. Please show mutual respect to volunteers. If you
have suggestions regarding volunteers, please refer them to administration.
Snow Days
In the event of snow or other emergency requiring the unscheduled closing of
school, announcements will be made on WXII TV, WIFM Radio, and the school
answering machine. Staff members may also get a personal call if there is a
last minute decision. Please be sure that your phone numbers are kept
current in the office.
Sexual Misconduct
Child sexual abuse is criminal behavior that involves children in sexual
behaviors for which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally
ready. No act of physical or sexual abuse will be tolerated! Staff should be
very careful before encouraging a personal relationship with students outside of
school. The school cannot accept liability resulting from a relationship
outside of school. Complaints regarding such a relationship may result in termination.
Please refer to policies and procedures involving the reporting,
investigation, and consequences of child sexual abuse or allegations thereof.
Incidences of adult sexual harassment should be reported to the school administration.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Bridges Academy employees in positions of trust –
principal, assistant principal, EC director, business manager, administrative
assistant, or any others which may be hired for positions of trust –
shall not be related to each other.
Bridges Academy employees are prohibited from having business interests in
companies affiliated with, or acting as major customers or suppliers of, the school.
Transactions by officials of Bridges Academy are recorded and disclosed.
Transactions with or by Bridges Academy officials occur only in the normal
course of business and are legally authorized.
The Bridges Academy Curriculum was created to be a dynamic work in progress.
The basic tenets of our curriculum design are
thematic, interdisciplinary units
flexible placement and multi-age grouping
sensitivity to individual learning styles and talents
hands–on instruction
both inclusion and "pull out" methods of instruction will be used with
exceptional students
21st century understanding and use of technology in multiple ways
Experiential learning programs should be an integral part of the curriculum
Teachers are encouraged to seek out stimulating material and to investigate
and coordinate student and teacher passions with the specifics of the Common
Core State Standards. The curriculum design is supplemented with school-wide
reading programs. Teachers and staff will be trained in MAP assessments and
Study Island. Both will become a part benchmarks, remediation, and progress monitoring.
The curriculum design is further strengthened by the addition of Fast
ForWord, a training program that is heavily researched and that has been proven
effective with students who have dyslexia, auditory processing disorders,
autism, attention disorders, and other unexplained and (thus far) unnamed learning disorders.
Curriculum design at Bridges Academy has the goal of maximizing the student’s
full potential for academic success, both now and in the future. Objectives
will use a holistic approach to education with attempts made to meet each
student’s individual needs. Measureable outcomes will be documented to provide
benchmarks for educational improvement, academic growth, and eventual success.
*Students should be read to daily from high quality work on a
challenging level!
Bridges Academy purposefully hires multi-talented teachers with strong
nurturing skills who can manage self-contained classrooms and develop a close
bond with students across the curriculum areas.
A variety of methodologies is encouraged: experiential learning, lecture,
small group activities, multiple technological experiences, individual research,
drills, projects, hands-on activities, field trips, guest speakers, etc.
Thematic units are expected to evolve from the interests of the class (students
and teachers). Hopefully, topics will be researched through books, the
internet, faculty brainstorming sessions, parental input, local resources,
appropriate field trips, and the Common Core State Standards. Teachers are
urged to incorporate artistic experiences regularly (including singing, musical
instruments, dance, puppetry, drama, drawing, painting, creative crafts, and etc.).
Materials are expected to be multi-disciplinary and multi-sensory.
Activities appropriate to a variety of learning styles and talents should be
developed. It is believed that music, visual arts, drama, physical education,
etc. will be correlated.
Through our commitment to the methodology, students should begin to see the
interconnectedness of curricular components. They should begin to take
ownership of the educational material and gain confidence as they gain mastery.
Teachers are expected to excite students to the point that they will leave
class telling everybody what they’ve been learning and doing. We expect parents
to be calling to rave about their children’s progress and enthusiasm.
Having these responses is considered a requirement for continued
employment at Bridges Academy.
To facilitate commitment to the Bridges Academy Methodology, teachers are
asked to hand in a Unit Planner for each thematic unit prior to actually
beginning the unit. A copy of the required outline is included. Be sure to
identify goal numbers from the Common Core Standards and some sense of the "WOW"
factor for the unit. Please note that you are to plan a variety of arts
activities for each unit, including drama, poetry, literature, music, visual
arts, dance, etc. Teachers are asked to do several observations of teachers
whose technique is known to be dynamic, creative, and effective. Bridges
Academy teachers, as well as those in other systems who are known for their
talent and success, are on the list of those who may be observed.
Physical Education
Bridges Academy strives to help students develop lifelong habits of exercise
and good health. Teachers are required to offer a program which involves
students in aerobics, muscle strengthening, flexibility, visual-motor
coordination, and games. A combination of recreational activities and
calisthenics should help students develop coordination, endurance, and motor
skills. Although multiple activities are encouraged, tackle football, dodge
ball, jail ball, and tumbling are prohibited.
Teachers are asked to participate when possible and, at the very least, to
express their involvement by active encouragement and interaction.
*All physical education activities must be CLOSELY
Communication with Parents
Bridges Academy is committed to keeping parents informed. Parents are vital
members of our team. We purchase Assignment Books (Agendas) for each student
and encourage nightly messages in the form of homework assignments or updates.
Please encourage students’ parents to use the space provided to communicate
their interests and concerns.
In addition, please send weekly progress reports, a mandatory and more
elaborate monthly report, a mid-term report, and of course report cards with an
invitation to conference at the end of each nine weeks grading period.
Please send copies of monthly reports, mid-term reports, and report cards to
the office prior to giving/sending them to parents. No failing grades may
appear on mid-term reports or report cards unless parents have been alerted
through previous documentation.
Discipline of Students
Bridges Academy believes in a positive approach to discipline. There is
always an attempt to engage a student’s desire to cooperate. Teachers are
supported and encouraged in their efforts to handle routine infractions in the
classroom. Students are not to be left unsupervised in the hallway.
Teachers and assistants should work together when removing a student from class
so that general class instruction continues while, simultaneously, disciplinary
needs are also met. EC students will have a formal behavioral plan and should
be referred to the EC Coordinator. Immediate interventions should have the goal
of de-escalating violent, aggressive, and related inappropriate
behaviors. The administration will serve as consultants and/or will accept
disciplinary referrals, but only in critical instances. When a student is
brought to the office, the referring staff member should give a brief
description of the unacceptable behavior and return to class. Injuries,
fighting, profane language, pornography, and weapons are examples of problems
that must be reported to the administration office immediately!
*Corporal Punishment is Against Board Policy and is NOT
Based upon discipline procedures, students may be assigned to
in-school detention, afterschool detention, Saturday school or suspension.
Assignment to these disciplinary options will be done by a team of at least two
members including teacher, support staff, parent and administrator. These
assignments must have final approval by the principal, assistant principal, or
the Chief Operating Officer.
Saturday School and Afterschool
Staff willing to supervise afterschool or Saturday school may receive flex
time as determined by administration. Saturday school will be held the last
Saturday morning of each month. The last Saturday of each month will be
designated as Saturday school. It may be used for disciplinary reasons,
absences, work refusal, etc.
In addition, the last Saturday morning of each month will be designated as a
volunteer work day. Friends of Bridges and parent volunteers will be encouraged
to give a morning back to the school.
Student Rules
Student rules are covered in our "Parent/Student Handbook." Teachers are
requested to read the handbook with their students at the first of the year and
whenever pertinent.
Please be aware that eating and drinking are allowed only at meal and snack
times. Healthy snacks are required. Candy, gum, suckers, etc. are
prohibited as rewards. Certain drinks, water or other options may be required
by an IEP or 504.
Do not allow a student to enter your class after 8:15 am without an entry pass.
*A copy of the Bridges Academy Safe School Plan is attached.
Employee Benefits
Employees are asked to come to the administration office to sign up for
benefits or to make changes in existing benefits.
Faculty Meetings
The first and third Tuesdays of every month should be set aside for mandatory
faculty meetings. The meetings will be confirmed on the Monday before the
meeting. Meetings will be held at 3:30 pm unless otherwise specified.
Periodically, thematic unit plans will be shared. When possible, necessary
in-service training will be scheduled during this time period. Team meetings
are to be scheduled on alternate Tuesdays (2nd and 4th.) These meetings may
include IEP meetings with parents, student "case staffing’s" to discuss IEP
goals, EC referrals, individual student’s needs, and related information. In
summary, all staff should reserve Tuesday afternoons for Bridges Academy meetings.
Safety Issues
In order to have the safest school possible, as well as to address insurance
company concerns, we are requesting the following procedures:
Please help us to keep all exterior doors, except the front (office) door,
locked at all times.
Please keep pathways to exits clear. This effort should apply to pathways to
window exits, to classroom doors, and to building doors.
Never allow anyone who is not a Bridges Academy employee to remove a child
from your classroom without office permission.
Please respond immediately in the event of any weapon (however small),
fighting, or profanity. We will not tolerate foul language.
Notify administration immediately in the event of injury.
Report all bus misbehavior and even minor scrapes, dents, dings, or "fender benders."
Do not allow children to go barefooted. Insist on sneakers for P.E. (Never flip-flops).
In the event that you can hear thunder, insist that all students come inside immediately!
Do not cover your one-way mirrors.
Teachers are responsible for information documented in our Safety and
Critical Incident Plan that was updated in 2013. That would include all
materials in your recommended "Black Box".
Please insist that students finish snacks and drinks during break time.
Continuing to sip and nibble during instructional time is distracting at best.
See Bullying. Be a teacher who never overlooks a child’s discomfort at the
hands of others! Respond when a child "tattles" that someone has hit, pushed,
or hurt his/her feelings!
Staff Children and Dependents
As a family friendly workplace, Bridges is flexible regarding staff’s
children. If the staff member’s child does not attend Bridges, the child may
visit Bridges with prior approval from administration.
If a staff’s member’s child attends Bridges, the child must remain under the
parents close supervision when not in class or in a scheduled supervision
program such as before school. No child, student or visitor should interfere
with another staff member’s work or office space. There are many confidential
situations that should not involve children. Please adhere to this request in
assure the safety of the child and the workplace.
Anti-Bullying Policy
It is part of the mission and inherent nature o Bridges Academy to provide
an environment for students and faculty that is physically safe and emotionally
secure. Staff is instructed to model respectful behavior. Bullying at Bridges
Academy is considered to be any actions, gestures, or words that are unkind or
hurtful in any way.
Bullying will not be tolerated from students or adults. Criticism,
name-calling, and personal epithets constitute bullying as surely as physical
attacks. In the event of bullying by a student, there will be conferences with
the offender, followed by appropriate degrees of discipline (silent lunch,
in-school suspension, Saturday detention, expulsion, etc.), depending upon the
nature of the offense and the age of the child. In the inexcusable event of
bullying by an adult, serious disciplinary consequences will follow.
Our primary objective is to protect the victim. A crucial secondary
objective is to reach the heart and change the behavior of the
Character Education
It is state law that all schools must teach Character Education. We all
realize that teaching kindness, perseverance, tolerance, integrity, etc., is
critical to our society and to our enjoyment of life and of our fellow humans.
Through all our interactions, counseling efforts, and casual conversations with
students, we need to model and verbalize that compassionate, polite, ethical
behavior is crucial to all well-lived life!
Staff Discipline
The staff discipline policies and procedures are documented as follows:
Disciplinary actions will generally fall under five categories and range from
simple oral reprimand to immediate dismissal:
Oral Reprimand – utilized when a simple
discussion should correct the problem.
Formal discussion- Oral Reprimand with written documentation will be utilized
when repeated infractions occur, different infractions occur, and/or when
several infractions occur during a short period of time.
Written Reprimand- will be utilized for infractions of a more serious nature.
A written reprimand could be followed by a period of suspension, probation, or
Dismissal- will be utilized for infractions of a serious nature. The
dismissal will be conducted through a letter of dismissal stating reasons for
termination and the post-employment responsibilities of the organization and of
the dismissed employee.
Immediate Dismissal/Termination- will be utilized for very serious
infractions. The dismissal could be made "on the spot" with the terminated
employee being asked to leave the campus immediately until further contact by
Bridges Academy. In these instances, a letter will be mailed to the dismissed
employee making arrangement to return personal belongings, stating the reason
for immediate dismissal, and to inform the dismissed employee of the
responsibilities of the organization and the employee.
The purpose of disciplining an employee shall be to improve performance,
improve relationships with students, parents, and co-workers, and to protect the
interest of Bridges Academy.
Substance Abuse Policy
Bridges Academy is concerned about the effects of the abuse of drugs and
alcohol upon the health and safety of its employees. In light of these
concerns, the school shall maintain a workplace free of problems associated with
the abuse and/or misuse of drugs and alcohol. It is the policy of Bridges
Academy to hire employees who are not drug dependent, to help employees with
drug and alcohol challenges, and to encourage rehabilitation. Pre-employment
drug testing may be required for any new employee. Bridges Academy also
reserves the right to require a substance abuse screening test and/or medical
evaluation from individuals who are suspected of allowing drug or alcohol use to
affect their job performance. Failure to comply will result in immediate
dismissal. Bridges Academy will attempt to fulfill our obligations under the
Drug Free Workplace Act. The sale, distribution, manufacture, possession,
and/or use of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol are strictly
prohibited on the Bridges Academy premises. Bridges Academy is also a Tobacco-Free Workplace.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Bridges Academy strives to maintain an environment free from sexual
harassment. For policy purposes, sexual harassment shall be defined as
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature. The misconduct has the purpose or effect
of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work environment. Examples of sexual harassment would
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, sexually explicit pictures,
physical contact or touching, or conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcomed
and makes a person feel uncomfortable
Both factual claims and false claims of sexual harassment will be taken
seriously by Bridges Academy administration.
Criminal Background Check
Bridges Academy employees should be aware that a criminal background check
may be conducted to protect school interests. Any employee formally charged
with a felony, violent crime, sexual misconduct, child molestation, and/or
charges related to drugs or alcohol should make the school principal aware of
these charges within five working days of the charge date.
Leave Requests
Formal leave requests would include vacation leave, sick leave, flex time,
maternity leave, administrative leave, jury duty, or other. Leave requests
should be submitted to the administration office. A good rule of thumb would be
to advance your request for the same number of days that you would like to be
absent from work. For instance, review the following table:
Submit your leave request one day in advance for your request of one day of
leave, three days in advance for three days of leave, one week in advance for
one week of leave, and etc.
Employees requesting leave are responsible for communicating with
administrative staff to make sure that all work duties are met while the
employee is away from work.
Cell phones, IPods, personal email, etc.
Use of electronic devices during class time, or in the presence of students,
is thoughtless and unprofessional. If it is essential for you to use your
personal communication devices during duty hours, please excuse yourself to do
so. There will be no texting in class or in front of working students!
Students will be expected to check cell phones in with teachers or assistants
upon arrival to class. The phones will be returned at the end of the day. Any
student who fails to follow this rule will have his/her phone privilege revoked.
Cell phones should only be checked during breaks rather than leaving class.
This means text or conversation. If your inappropriate cell phone use is noted
by an administrator, you will be asked to relinquish your cell phone. Parent or
student complaints regarding cell phone use by a staff member may result in a
written reprimand. This includes all personal tech devices.
Soft Drinks/Snacks
Since soft drinks and snacks are banned for students, it is against the rules
of good manners and common sense for staff to drink pop or eat snacks in the
presence of students.
This courtesy precludes sending students to buy a soft drink for an adult.
Staff is asked to use an opaque cup or glass so that students cannot identify
Driving Duty
Staff may be expected to assist with driving duties on a rotating basis. An
effort will be made to give alternate assignments to staff who live relatively
far from school and who have early duties with their own children.
Bridges Academy vans will not be used for personal trips during school hours.
Gas will be purchased before or after school. Any van driver is prohibited from
using the van or bus for personal reasons.
Electronic Devices Use on Vans
Van drivers will not use electronic devices while vans are in motion!
However, if your phone rings, the caller might be the school with important
information. A responsible student should be appointed to answer the phone
while the driver pulls over to a safe place to receive the school’s message.
This plan is vital for risk management. Your phone records will be checked in
the event of an accident. Adhering to this policy will prevent some kinds of
New NC law states that drivers of buses or vans transporting children may not
use cell phones while driving children. Citations by laws enforcement will
result in one year suspension of driving school buses or vans.
If faculty members have a desire to invite (or allow) students to use their
Facebook page, a separate page must be dedicated to student use only. Do not
allow students to use a general-use Facebook page. Be aware that
inappropriate Facebook information can adversely affect your employment status
at Bridges Academy. This includes all social networking.
Staff Code of Ethics
As an employee of Bridges Academy, I promise that I shall subscribe to the
principles set forth in the Bridges Academy Staff Code of Ethics. The Bridges
Academy Staff Code of Ethics is outlined below and therefore I promise that I shall:
Follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the Staff Handbook.
Respect all individuals associated with Bridges Academy, especially parents,
students, and co-workers.
Support both the Mission and the Vision of Bridges Academy and assist
management in attaining short-term objectives and long-term goals.
Avoid conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality of Bridges Academy
records, materials, business, and especially confidential information.
Complete work duties in an efficient and conscientious manner with the goal
of reaching my full employment potential.
Maintain Bridges Academy guidelines, follow all policies and procedures, and
follow all statues related to the expenditure of federal, state, and local funds.
Promote and encourage a positive work atmosphere that empowers students to
achieve goals and that enables both students and staff to achieve their highest
Honor trust as a foundation to respect, lead by example, and follow policies
when interacting with parents, students, co-workers, and management level
Make only positive public and/or private comments regarding Bridges Academy
in general, school services, and school staff. Comments should always be
positive in nature and communicated to promote school characteristics such as
quality, integrity, accountability, transparency, and efficiency of programs and
Insure that all of my actions as a Bridges Academy staff person are legal,
ethical, and moral.
Follow the NC state code of Ethics for Teachers.
2013-2014 Staff agreement
The Staff Code of Ethics includes compliance with Bridges Academy By-Laws,
Policies and Procedures, and information documented in the Bridges Academy Staff
Handbook. If the Code of Ethics is broken, the consequences of the infraction
will follow disciplinary procedures documented in the Staff Handbook.
I understand this document shall be placed in my personnel file and that
violations of these codes may result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination. My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of the
Policy. I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask
questions about the Policy.
Employee Signature_____________________________________________________________________